“Colour-Managed LED Walls for Virtual Production” by James, Achard, Bird and Cooper

  • ©Oliver James, Rémi Achard, James Bird, and Sean Cooper

  • ©Oliver James, Rémi Achard, James Bird, and Sean Cooper

  • ©Oliver James, Rémi Achard, James Bird, and Sean Cooper



Entry Number: 56


    Colour-Managed LED Walls for Virtual Production



    We present DNEG’s approach to colour-managing LED walls for in-camera VFX in virtual production. By characterising the entire imaging pipeline end-to-end with a closed loop, we enable film- makers and visual effects artists to prepare virtual environments  in advance of shooting, confident that their colour intent will be preserved in the final footage. Our system flexibly adapts to the Cinematographer’s choice of exposure and white-balance, allowing them to focus more on story-telling and less on technical constraints of the wall.

    Our contribution takes place in two stages; first we measure and characterise the response of the camera to the LED wall; and secondly we apply the results of this characterisation in real time to images as they are displayed.


    Noah Kadner. 2018. Moon Shot. American Cinematographer 99, 11 (Nov. 2018), 30–41. https://ascmag.com/articles/moon-walk-first-man


    We thank Chris Deighton from Brompton Technology and Rod Bogart from Epic Games for their insights into their respective companies technology. Thanks to Annalise Davis, Paul Franklin, and Dimension Studio for access to images and assets from Fireworks; and to ARRI Rental for the loan of an Alexa Mini LF for testing.


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