“Color Issues in the User Interface Design” Moderated by Aaron Marcus

  • ©Michael Arent, Barbara J. Meier, and JoAnn M. Taylor



Entry Number: 07


    Color Issues in the User Interface Design



Additional Information:

    Rapid growth of sophisticated color displays has put programmers in a difficult decision-making situation. Developers and users want to know what colors to select and how to design with color as a powerful tool for communication in the user interface. Unfortunately most programmers have little expertise in the science, theory or application of color. Color selection is often made subjectively with no consideration of the physiological or psychological effects on the user. Graphic design factors such as legibility and readability are often ignored.
    This panel addresses key issues in color from three points of view: (1) the physiological, psychological and human factors perspective, (2) the information-oriented graphic design perspective and (3) the perspective of the builder of an expert system for color selection in the user interface currently being designed at Brown University.

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