“Collisions and Adaptive Levels of Detail” by Dingliana, O’Sullivan and Bradshaw

  • ©John Dingliana, Carol O’Sullivan, and Gareth Bradshaw



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    Collisions and Adaptive Levels of Detail

Session/Category Title:   Simplification is often a necessary trade-off for guaranteeing real-time performance in physically based animation. This sketch summarizes an adaptive level-of-detail approach that uses priority-based scheduling strategies for optimising the speed-complex



    Simplification is often a necessary trade-off for guaranteeing real-time performance in physically based animation. This sketch summarizes an adaptive level-of-detail approach that uses priority-based scheduling strategies for optimising the speed-complexity trade-off.


    1. Hubbard, P. M. (1995). Real-time collision detection and time-critical computing. In Proceedings of the First ACM Workshop on Simulation and Interaction in Virtual Environments, July 1995, 92-96.
    2. Chenny, S. & Forsyth, D. (1997). View-dependent culling of dynamic systems in virtual environments. In Proceedings 1997 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, 55-58.
    3. Dingliana, J. & O’Sullivan, C. (2000). Graceful degradation of collision handling in physically based animation. In Computer Graphics Forum, 19 (3), 239-247.

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