“CFD and Realistic Visualization for the Analysis of Fire Scenarios” by Barrero, Hardy, Reggio and Ozell

  • ©Daniel Barrero, Jean-Philippe Hardy, Marcelo Reggio, and Benoit Ozell

  • ©Daniel Barrero, Jean-Philippe Hardy, Marcelo Reggio, and Benoit Ozell



Entry Number: 101


    CFD and Realistic Visualization for the Analysis of Fire Scenarios



    This poster presents the current status of our work on the combination of advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) fire simulations and realistic (real time) rendering techniques for the analysis of real-life fire scenarios. Fire representation is a complex issue because it has to deal with a combustion process, a flame front separating fresh and burnt gases, smoke, visibility and illumination. While for the actual simulation of fire scenarios we could use specific CFD fire simulation models [Barrero et al. 2003; Hardy 2004], the use of traditional flow visualization techniques can only give us a limited insight on the behavior of these kinds of phenomena.
    The main problem is that on the specific case of real-life fires, a major part of the phenomena is not invisible (flames and smoke). These visible parts not only play a very important role on the combustion process, but also have even greater visible effects on their sorrounding environment (visibility,etc.) that are better understood by using a more realistic representation. We have thus focused our work on the integration of CAD modeling, geometry transfer, flow and fire simulation and enhanced fire and smoke visualization tools to be applied in building simulation. Commercial and research tools were used and studies of backdraft phenomena, fire propagation and visibility have been conducted.


    1. Barrero, D., Ozell, B., Reggio, M. 2003, On CFD and Graphic Animation for Fire Simulation, CFD2003, Vancouver, May 2003.
    2. Hardy, J. P. 2004. Simulation numérique et visualisation d’incendies sous-ventilés avec FDSv3.10, 115p., Master’s Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, École Polytechnique de Montréal.
    3. Stam, J., Fiume, E. 1993. Turbulent Wind Fields for Gaseous Phenomena, In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 1993, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, ACM, 369–373
    4. FDS, The Fire Dynamics Simulator, http://fire.nist.gov/fds/, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA


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