“CASS: computer-assisted stereotaxic surgery” by Hawrylyshyn, Tasker and Organ

  • ©P. A. Hawrylyshyn, R. R. Tasker, and L. W. Organ




    CASS: computer-assisted stereotaxic surgery



    An interactive computer graphics system has been developed for online use with a two-stage stereotaxic technique in man. The computer plots sagittal sections approximating the region of the brain being stimulated on a display screen located in the operating room. When responses are elicited by electrical stimulation, they are graphically illustrated on the template, accurately positioned at the brain site being stimulated. If such evoked responses do not fit the template, they can be replotted on a modified template in a manner prescribed by the neurosurgeon. Such a system allows optimal localization of subcortical lesion sites.


    1. Bertrand, A., Oliver, A., and Thompson, C. J. : Computer display of stereotaxic brain maps and probe tracts. Acta. Neurochir. (Suppl.) 21 (1974), pp. 235-243.
    2. Hawrylyshyn, P. A., Rowe, I. H., Tasker, R. R., and Organ, L. W. : A computer system for stereotaxic neurosurgery. Comput. Biol. Med. 6 (1976) pp. 87-97.
    3. Peluso, F. and Gybels, J. : Computer calculation of the position of the side-protuding electrode tip during penetration in the human brain. Confin. Neurol. 34 (1972) , pp. 94-99.
    4. Schaltenbrand, G. and Bailey, P. : Introduction to stereotaxis with an atlas of the human brain Georg-Thieme, Stuttgart (1959) , Volume 1.
    5. Tasker, R. R. : Simple localization for stereo-encephalotomy using the portable central beam of the image intensifier. Confin. Neurol. 26 (1965) , pp. 209-212.
    6. Tasker, R. R., Rowe, I. H., Hawrylyshyn, P. A.,. and Organ, L. W. : Computer mapping of brainstem sensory centres in man. J. Neurosurg. 44 (1976) pp. 458-464.

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