“Building the City of Glass in Mirror’s EdgeTM”

  • ©Daniel Johansson and Jan Schmid

  • ©Daniel Johansson and Jan Schmid



Entry Number: 67


    Building the City of Glass in Mirror’s EdgeTM



    Mirror’s Edge (working title) is a reboot of the iconic DICE game from 2008. Using the Frostbite™ game engine (used in Battlefield 4™, Dragon Age™: Inquisition and Battlefield Hardline™), we are creating a totally new and unique gaming experience on a proven technology platform.

    To create the city of “Glass” that the story of the game takes place in, we have added several new tools to the Frostbite feature set. Creating art content while maintaining the possibility to make late changes to gameplay and level design is something that has been a challenge for us, and therefore something that has been a priority to solve when implementing the tools. The intended audience is someone who is familiar with computer games production and art pipelines.


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