“Building Interactive Spaces” by Pinhanez, Intille, Bimber and Paradiso

  • ©Claudio Pinhanez, Stephen Intille, Oliver Bimber, and Joseph A. Paradiso



Entry Number: 34


    Building Interactive Spaces

Course Organizer(s):



    No programming or specific mathematical background is required. This course is appropriate for beginners and interactive-experience professionals who want to review the latest technologies and techniques. Environmental and interactive artists are also encouraged to attend.

    Definition and examples of interactive spaces; sensing technologies (visual, auditory, and haptic); output technologies (projectors, displays, speakers, lighting, and physical actuators); design and evaluation of interfaces for interactive physical spaces; architecture, control, and authoring of experiences for interactive spaces; case studies (a children’s bedroom, an office, a home environment, and a theatrical stage).

    A survey of traditional and emerging technologies used for design and construction of new forms of immersive and interactive physical spaces for offices, homes, and location-based entertainment. Basic concepts are explored in four case studies and a participatory design exercise.


Overview Page: