“Boxelization: folding 3D objects into boxes” by Zhou, Sueda, Matusik and Shamir

  • ©Yahan Zhou, Shinjiro Sueda, Wojciech Matusik, and Ariel Shamir




    Boxelization: folding 3D objects into boxes

Session/Category Title:   Games & Design




    We present a method for transforming a 3D object into a cube or a box using a continuous folding sequence. Our method produces a single, connected object that can be physically fabricated and folded from one shape to the other. We segment the object into voxels and search for a voxel-tree that can fold from the input shape to the target shape. This involves three major steps: finding a good voxelization, finding the tree structure that can form the input and target shapes’ configurations, and finding a non-intersecting folding sequence. We demonstrate our results on several input 3D objects and also physically fabricate some using a 3D printer.


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