“Automating gait generation” by Sun and Metaxas

  • ©Harold C. Sun and Dimitris N. Metaxas




    Automating gait generation



    One of the most routine actions humans perform is walking. To date, however, an automated tool for generating human gait is not available. This paper addresses the gait generation problem through three modular components. We present ElevWalker, a new low-level gait generator based on sagittal elevation angles, which allows curved locomotion – walking along a curved path – to be created easily; ElevInterp, which uses a new inverse motion interpolation algorithm to handle uneven terrain locomotion; and MetaGait, a high-level control module which allows an animator to control a figure’s walking simply by specifying a path. The synthesis of these components is an easy-to-use, real-time, fully automated animation tool suitable for off-line animation, virtual environments and simulation.


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