“Automatic reconstruction of surfaces and scalar fields from 3D scans” by Bajaj, Bernardini and Xu

  • ©Chandrajit Bajaj, Fausto Bernardini, and Guoliang Xu




    Automatic reconstruction of surfaces and scalar fields from 3D scans



    We present an efficient and uniform approach for the automatic reconstruction of surfaces of CAD (computer aided design) models and scalar fields defined on them, from an unorganized collection of scanned point data. A possible application is the rapid computer model reconstruction of an existing part or prototype from a three dimensional (3D) points scan of its surface. Color, texture or some scalar material property of the physical part, define natural scalar fields over the surface of the CAD model. Our reconstruction algorithm does not impose any convexity or differentiability restrictions on the surface of the original physical part or the scalar field function, except that it assumes that there is a sufficient sampling of the input point data to unambiguously reconstruct the CAD model. Compared to earlier methods our algorithm has the advantages of simplicity, efficiency and uniformity (both CAD model and scalar field reconstruction). The simplicity and efficiency of our approach is based on several novel uses of appropriate sub-structures (alpha shapes) of a three-dimensional Delaunay Triangulation, its dual the three-dimensional Voronoi diagram, and dual uses of trivariate Bernstein-Bézier forms. The boundary of the CAD model is modeled using implicit cubic Bernstein-Bézier patches, while the scalar field is reconstructed with functional cubic Bernstein-Bézier patches.


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