“Artificial evolution of implicit surfaces” by Bedwell and Ebert
Interest Area:
- Modeling / Geometry and Technical
- Artificial evolution of implicit surfaces
Session/Category Title: Creating Coherence
A system that combines implicit surfaces, as modeling primitives, with genetic programming to facilitate automated generation of exceedingly complex models.
1. 1 J. Bloomenthal, C. Bajaj, J. Blinn, M. Cani-Gascuel, A. Rockwood, B. Wyvill, G. Wyvill. Introduction to implicit surfaces. Morgan-Kaufmann, 1997.
2. 2 R. Dawkins, The blind watchmaker. Harlow Logman 1986.
3. 3 L. Gritz, J. K. Hahn. Genetic programming for articulated figure motion. The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, Vol. 6, 1995, 129-142.
4. 4 J. C. Hart. Ray tracing implicit surfaces. WSU Technical Report EECS-93-014, 1993.
5. 5 P. Prusinkiewicz, A. Lindenmayer, and J. Hanan. Developmental models of herbaceous plants for computer imagery purposes. Computer Graphics, Vol. 22 No. 4, 1988, 141-150.
6. 6 K. Sims Artificial evolution for computer graphics. ACM Computer Graphics, 25(4), July 1991, 319-328.
7. 7 S. Todd, W. Latham. Evolutionary art and computers. Academic Press, 1992.