“An Approximate Reflectance Profile for Efficient Subsurface Scattering”

  • ©Per H. Christensen

  • ©Per H. Christensen



Entry Number: 25


    An Approximate Reflectance Profile for Efficient Subsurface Scattering



    Computer graphics researchers have developed increasingly sophisticated and accurate physically-based subsurface scattering BSSRDF models: from the simple dipole diffusion model [Jensen et al. 2001] to the quantized diffusion [d’Eon and Irving 2011] and beam diffusion [Habel et al. 2013] models. We present a BSSRDF model based on an empirical reflectance profile that is as simple as the dipole but matches brute-force Monte Carlo references better than even beam diffusion.


    Burley, B. 2013. Subsurface scattering investigation. Unpublished slides. (To appear at Physically Based Shading course, SIGGRAPH 2015).
    d’Eon, E., and Irving, G. 2011. A quantized-diffusion model for rendering translucent materials. SIGGRAPH, 56:1–56:14.
    Habel, R., Christensen, P. H., and Jarosz, W. 2013. Photon beam diffusion: a hybrid Monte Carlo method for subsurface scattering. EGSR, 27–37.
    Jensen, H. W., Marschner, S. R., Levoy, M., and Hanrahan, P. 2001. A practical model for subsurface light transport. SIGGRAPH, 511–518.


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