“All This Useless Beauty – A 200 Megapixel Panorama” by Santoro and Kry

  • ©Anthony Santoro and Paul G. Kry

  • ©Anthony Santoro and Paul G. Kry

  • ©Anthony Santoro and Paul G. Kry




    All This Useless Beauty - A 200 Megapixel Panorama

Session/Category Title:   Beautiful Things



    All This Useless Beauty was created as a frame to capture everyday objects, places, physical acts, and present them as art. The final dimensions of the stitched panoramic photograph presented at the SIGGRAH 2004 Art Gallery were 3 inches high, by 50 feet long.


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    Cage, J. 1997. I. VI. Wesleyan University of Press of New England, Hanover.
    Lyons, M., 2003. http://www.tawbaware.com/maxlyons/gigapixel.htm.
    McBride, B., 1994. http://www.cirkutpanorama.com/Timelin.html.
    Miller, G. S., and Hoffman, C. R. 1984. Illumination and reflection maps: Simulated objects in simulated and real environments. SIGGRAPH 84: Advanced Computer Graphics Animation Seminar Notes.
    Rigg, J., 2000, http://www.panoguide.com.


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