“Advances in Volume Visualization” by Kaufman, Lorensen, Pfister, Silva and Sobierajski

  • ©Arie E. Kaufman, William (Bill) E. Lorensen, Hanspeter Pfister, Claudio T. Silva, and Lisa Sobierajski



Entry Number: 24


    Advances in Volume Visualization

Course Organizer(s):



    Moderately difficult course material, due to the level of detail in the algorithms and methodologies. Basic knowledge of hidden-surface methods, rendering models, volume rendering of regular grids, and computer organization recommended.

    Topics Covered
    Specific presentations on advanced topics in volume visualization research and practice, including: algorithms, architectures and application in volume graphics, volumetric global illumination, regular and irregular grid rendering, special-purpose architectures for volume visualization, and advanced applications of volume visualization.

    This course was devoted to advanced and more recent topics in volume visualization and should be viewed as a successor to an introductory course in volume visualization. The course covered the technology and several major advanced applications and techniques, and the challenges confronting the field of volume visualization.

Contributed By:

    Mary Whitton


    Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

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