“Active Animations of Reduced Deformable Models with Environment Interactions” by Pan and Manocha

  • ©Zherong Pan and Dinesh Manocha




    Active Animations of Reduced Deformable Models with Environment Interactions

Session/Category Title:   A Race to the Bottom (of the Geometric Energy Plot)




    We present an efficient spacetime optimization method to automatically generate animations for a general volumetric, elastically deformable body. Our approach can model the interactions between the body and the environment and automatically generate active animations. We model the frictional contact forces using contact invariant optimization and the fluid drag forces using a simplified model. To handle complex objects, we use a reduced deformable model and present a novel hybrid optimizer to search for the local minima efficiently. This allows us to use long-horizon motion planning to automatically generate animations such as walking, jumping, swimming, and rolling. We evaluate the approach on different shapes and animations, including deformable body navigation and combining with an open-loop controller for realtime forward simulation.


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