“Accelerating vector graphics rendering using the graphics hardware pipeline” by Batra, Kilgard, Kumar and Lorach

  • ©Vineet Batra, Mark J. Kilgard, Harish Kumar, and Tristan Lorach




    Accelerating vector graphics rendering using the graphics hardware pipeline



    We describe our successful initiative to accelerate Adobe Illustrator with the graphics hardware pipeline of modern GPUs. Relying on OpenGL 4.4 plus recent OpenGL extensions for advanced blend modes and first-class GPU-accelerated path rendering, we accelerate the Adobe Graphics Model (AGM) layer responsible for rendering sophisticated Illustrator scenes. Illustrator documents render in either an RGB or CMYK color mode. While GPUs are designed and optimized for RGB rendering, we orchestrate OpenGL rendering of vector content in the proper CMYK color space and accommodate the 5+ color components required. We support both non-isolated and isolated transparency groups, knockout, patterns, and arbitrary path clipping. We harness GPU tessellation to shade paths smoothly with gradient meshes. We do all this and render complex Illustrator scenes 2 to 6x faster than CPU rendering at Full HD resolutions; and 5 to 16x faster at Ultra HD resolutions.


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