“A user interface for high dynamic range transfer function design” by Schulze and Chourasia

  • ©Jurgen Schulze and Amit Chourasia

  • ©Jurgen Schulze and Amit Chourasia




    A user interface for high dynamic range transfer function design



    Transfer function design is a critical task in volume visualization. Non-automated methods typically provide a user interface (UI) to accomplish this task. The UI is particularly important in real-time visualization when users continually change the transfer function to converge to a desired result. We present a graphical UI which integrates an editor for traditional transfer functions using linear color and opacity mappings, with novel, non-linear mapping methods used with high dynamic range data sets as used in [Yuan et al. 2005]. Our UI has been designed for one-dimensional transfer functions. We chose to display the data space linearly so as to allow users to see it as they are used to, but add interaction methods like zoom and pan to move rapidly between different levels of detail.


    1. Kniss, J., Kindlmann, G., and Hansen, C. 2001. Interactive Volume Rendering Using Multi-Dimensional Transfer Functions and Direct Manipulation Widgets. IEEE Visualization ’01 Proceedings, pp. 255–262.
    2. Potts, S., and Moeller, T 2004. Transfer Functions on a Logarithmic Scale for Volume Rendering. Proceedings of Graphics Interface ’04.
    3. Yuan, X., Nguyen, M., Chen, B., and Porter, D. 2005. High Dynamic Range Volume Visualization. IEEE Visualization ’05 Proceedings, pp. 327–334.

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