“A rendering algorithm for visualizing 3D scalar fields” by Sabella

  • ©Paolo Sabella




    A rendering algorithm for visualizing 3D scalar fields



    This paper presents a ray tracing algorithm for rendering 3D scalar fields. An illumination model is developed in which the field is characterized as a varying density emittter with a single level of scattering. This model is equivalent to a particle system in which the particles are sufficiently small. Along each ray cast from the eye, the field is expressed as a function of the ray parameter. The algorithm computes properties of the field along the ray such as the attenuated intensity, the peak density, and the center of gravity, etc., These are mapped into HSV color space to produce an image for visualization.Images produced in this manner are perceived as a varying density ‘cloud’ where color highlights the computed attributes. The application of this technique is demonstrated for visualizing a three dimensional seismic data set.


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