“A programmer’s interface to graphics dynamics” by Turner

  • ©Joshua U. Turner




    A programmer's interface to graphics dynamics



    The term “graphics dynamics” is used in this paper to describe a capability which permits the application programmer to specify a relationship between various graphics input devices and aspects of the graphics output presentation. Subsequent use of the input devices results in continuous real-time changes to the picture. An experimental graphics system is described, in which a powerful programmer’s interface to graphics dynamics was implemented. This interface appears suitable for use as an extension to any of the existing standards and standards proposals, including, CORE, GKS, and PHIGS.


    1. Foley, J. D., and Van Dam, A. Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1982.]]
    2. dpANS GKS (Graphical Kernel System). American National Standards Institute. X3H3/83-25R1. July 19, 1983.]]
    3. Status report of the Graphics Standards Planning Committee. Computer Graphics 13, 3 (Aug. 1979).]]
    4. Michener, James C., and Van Dam, Andries. A functional overview of the Core system. Computing Surveys 10, 4, (Dec. 1978). McGraw-Hill, New York, 1979.]]
    5. Newman, William M., and Sproull, Robert F. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1979.]]
    6. American National Standard for the Functional Specification of the Programmer’s Hierarchical Interactive Graphics Standard (PHIGS). American National Standards Institute. X3H3/84-40. February 29, 1984.]]
    7. Warn, David R. Lighting controls for synthetic images. Computer Graphics 17, 3, (Aug. 1983).]]

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