“A Practical Guide to Ray Tracing and Photon Mapping” by Jensen

  • ©Henrik Wann Jensen



Entry Number: 19


    A Practical Guide to Ray Tracing and Photon Mapping

Course Organizer(s):



    Knowledge of basic linear algebra and rendering algorithms.

    Intended Audience
    Artists who use ray tracing and photon mapping, and students and researchers who would like to implement the algorithms and need an overview with an emphasis on practical details.

    Photon mapping is a practical way of efficiently simulating global illumination, including caustics, color bleeding, participating media, and subsurface scattering in scenes with complicated geometry and advanced material models.

    This tutorial provides a detailed description of the ray-tracing and photon-mapping algorithms for simulating global illumination. It provides the practical insight necessary for using and implementing ray tracing and photon mapping. Recent advances in the photon-mapping algorithm are also summarized.

Overview Page: