“A Practical Guide to Recording Video Animation from Computer Graphics” by Judd, Costigan, Gaunt, Martinez and Mareda
Entry Number: 15
- A Practical Guide to Recording Video Animation from Computer Graphics
Prior knowledge of the basics of computer graphics is assumed. This course makes few assumptions about any knowledge of video theory, but it would be helpful. Attendees should at least be able to correctly connect a home VCR to a television.
Who Should Attend
People starting or planning to build a computer based video animation recording system, including desktop video or visualization centers for industrial and presentation uses.
Attendees should leave with enough information to know what to look for in purchasing equipment, how to assemble a system of their own, be knowledgeable enough as to know what hardware and software is needed, and what pitfalls to avoid when producing a video.
Video has a presence in a growing number of areas of computing. From presentations to scientific visualization to education, video is playing an increasingly important role in our computing environment. The incredible rate of growth in world wide web and other on-line information systems has created yet another outlet for desktop video recording. With the emergence of multimedia desktop systems and multimedia as a “hot” topic in computing, the role of video production is increasingly important. All areas of computer use are turning to video as a medium for the presentation of information. Most of these new users need a basic education about video to increase the quality of their production, yet this information is not easily obtained.
This course is a basic introduction to video recording of computer graphics animation from a variety of data sources. It complements Dean Winkler’s previous SIGGRAPH video course, but his course is not a prerequisite for attendance to this course. Where Dean’s course mainly covered video theory and the technical aspects of video production, in this course we will present a practical, nuts-and-bolts, approach to building a computer video animation recording system. Further, we will discuss subjects which aid in producing a polished, professional looking video.
In order to provide useful information to a large, diverse audience with varying needs and budgets, we will address a wide range of system configurations: from pointing a camera at a computer monitor, to desktop video, to a full studio-quality computer graphics animation/editing system. We will describe in detail and demonstrate several system configurations.
Contents/Schedule PDF:
Contributed By:
- Maxine Brown
- In the collection of Maxine Brown