“A Polyhedran Clipping and Capping Algorithm and a Display System for Three-Dimensional Finite Element Models” by Stephenson and Christiansen

  • ©Michael B. Stephenson and Henry N. Christiansen




    A Polyhedran Clipping and Capping Algorithm and a Display System for Three-Dimensional Finite Element Models

Session/Category Title:   Large Systems Session




    This paper describes an algorithm for clipping and capping polyhedrons and a display system for three-dimensional finite element math models to facilitate viewing internal surfaces in the form of continuous tone computer generated color images. A plane is passed through the model with the result that the elements (or portions thereof) on one side of the plane may be eliminated. A new grid is generated for the cutting plane to include the prediction of such quantities as displacements, stresses, and temperatures. The Cutting plane is colored and/or warped to indicate the variation of selected scalar functions.


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    15. Christiansen. H. N., “Displays of Kinematic and Elastic Systems,” Proceedings of the Third Conference on Matrix Methods in Structural Mechanics,” Oct. 1971, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio.
    16. Christiansen, H. N., “Applications of Continuous Tone Computer-Generated Images in Structural Mechanics,” Structural Mechanics Computer Programs, 1974, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, pp. 1003–1015.

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