“A Fast Fracture Method for Exploding Structures” by Taubman and Chang

  • ©Gabriel Taubman and Edwin Chang

  • ©Gabriel Taubman and Edwin Chang

  • ©Gabriel Taubman and Edwin Chang



Entry Number: 088


    A Fast Fracture Method for Exploding Structures



    Explosions and the blast waves that follow in their wake are amongst the most devastating forces created by man. Their simulation is of use in fields ranging from game design to film effects. Previous work in fracture generation has been divided into accurate, yet computationally expensive methods such as O’Brien et al. [1999], and less believable real-time techniques as found in Martins et al. [2001].
    Our work aims to strike a middle ground by providing a much more believable and visually attractive simulation than Martins et al. [2001] at a fraction of the time of O’Brien et al. [1999]. We follow the work of Martins et al. [2001] which uses a connected voxel method as a basis for fracture, and approximates blast wave forces using the Friedlander equation [Baker 1973] to achieve realtime performance. We then expand upon this in two ways: We precompute fracturing our structures into arbitrary meshes of convex polyhedra instead of using a warped voxel grid, and we propagate force along the connections between these fractured components. This adds a much greater level of realism to the simulation because pieces broken off of the structure are of arbitrary shape and resemble fractured material.


    1. Baker, W. E., 1973. Explosion in air.
    2. Martins, C., Buchanan, J., and Amanatides, J. 2001. Visually believable explosions in real time. In Proceedings of Computer Animation, Computer Animation, Seoul Korea, 237–247.
    3. O’Brien, J. F., and Hodgins, J. K. 1999. Graphical modeling and animation of brittle fracture. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1999, ACM Press / ACM SIGGRAPH, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, ACM, 137–145.


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