“A dual funnel approximation for the appearance of translucent material” by Banterle and Chalmers

  • ©Francesco Banterle and Alan Chalmers

  • ©Francesco Banterle and Alan Chalmers




    A dual funnel approximation for the appearance of translucent material



    The simulation of subsurface scattering of light is required for high-fidelity rendering of natural materials such as marble, jade, human skin and so on. In this work we extended the light model presented in [Banterle and Chalmers], that can handle subsurface scattering in real-time without constraints (deformable meshes and any kind of light are allowed). Our work is focused on the task of improving quality to try to match the appearance of the physically-based model [Jensen et al.].


    1. Banterle, F., and Chalmers, A. A fast translucency appearance model for real-time applications. In Proc. of SCCG ’06.
    2. Jensen, H. W., Marschner, S. R., Levoy, M., and Hanrahan, P. A practical model for subsurface light transport. In Prof. of SIGGRAPH ’01.

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©Francesco Banterle and Alan Chalmers ©Francesco Banterle and Alan Chalmers

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