“3D haptic shape perception using a 2D device” by Han, Yamashita and Fujishiro

  • ©Huirong Han, Juli Yamashita, and Issei Fujishiro



Interest Area:



    3D haptic shape perception using a 2D device

Session/Category Title:   Devices & Interaction



    Is a 2-dimensional (2D) force feedback device capable of presenting 3-dimensional (3D) shapes? The answer is a qualified “yes.” “Force shading”, a haptic counterpart of bump mapping in computer graphics, presents a non-flat shape on a nominally flat surface by varying the force vector direction in haptic rendering [Morgenbesser and Srinivasan 1996][Robles-De-La-Torre and Hayward 2001]. To our knowledge, such phenomena have been qualitatively measured only by 3D devices, and a quantitative comparison to 2D devices has not been made. We compare thresholds of human shape perception of the plane experimentally, using 2D and 3D force feedback devices.


    1. Morgenbesser, H., and Srinivasan, M. 1996. Force Shading for Haptic Shape Perception. In Proc. ASME Dynamics Systems and Control Division, 407–412.
    2. Robles-De-La-Torre, G., and Hayward, V. 2001. Force Can Overcome Object Geometry in the Perception of Shape through Active Touch. Nature 412, 26, 445–448.
    3. TM URL. http://www.fujixerox.co.jp/tangible_mouse/

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