“2-D shape blending: an intrinsic solution to the vertex path problem” by Sederberg, Gao, Wang and Mu

  • ©Thomas (Tom) W. Sederberg, Peisheng Gao, Guojin Wang, and Hong Mu




    2-D shape blending: an intrinsic solution to the vertex path problem



    This paper presents an algorithmfor determiningthe paths along which
    corresponding vertices travel in a 2–D shape blending. Rather than
    considering the vertex paths explicitly, the algorithm defines the intermediate shapes by interpolating the intrinsic definitions of the initial
    and final shapes. The algorithm produces shape blends which generally are more satisfactory than those produced using linear or cubic
    curve paths. Particularly, the algorithm can avoid the shrinkage that
    normally occurs when rotating rigid bodies are linearly blended, and
    avoids kinks in the blend when there were none in the key polygons.


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