2007 Technical Paper: Hays_Scene Completion Using Millions of Photographs

“Scene completion using millions of photographs” by Hays and Efros

2007 Technical Paper: Lalonde_Photo Clip Art

“Photo clip art” by Lalonde, Hoiem, Efros, Rother, Winn, et al. …

2007 Technical Paper: Kopf_Solid Texture Synthesis from 2D Exemplars

“Solid texture synthesis from 2D exemplars” by Kopf, Fu, Cohen-Or, Deussen, Lischinski, et al. …

2007 Technical Paper: McCann_Responsive Characters from Motion Fragments

“Responsive characters from motion fragments” by McCann and Pollard

2007 Technical Paper: Treuille_Near-optimal Character Animation with Continuous Control

“Near-optimal character animation with continuous control” by Treuille, Lee and Popovic

2007 Technical Paper: Chai_Constraint-based Motion Optimization Using A Statistical Dynamic Model

“Constraint-based motion optimization using a statistical dynamic model” by Chai and Hodgins

2007 Technical Paper: Wang_Soft Scissors : An Interactive Tool for Realtime High Quality Matting

“Soft scissors: an interactive tool for realtime high quality matting” by Wang, Agrawala and Cohen

2007 Technical Paper: Avidan_Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing

“Seam carving for content-aware image resizing” by Avidan and Shamir

2007 Technical Paper: Sun_Image Deblurring with Blurred/Noisy Image Pairs

“Image deblurring with blurred/noisy image pairs” by Yuan, Sun, Quan and Shum

2007 Technical Paper: Sun_Image Vectorization using Optimized Gradient Meshes

“Image vectorization using optimized gradient meshes” by Sun, Liang, Wen and Shum

2007 Technical Paper: Hengel_VideoTrace: Rapid interactive scene modelling from video

“VideoTrace: rapid interactive scene modelling from video” by van den Hengel, Dick, Thormählen, Ward and Torr

2007 Technical Paper: Muller_Image-based Procedural Modeling of Facades

“Image-based procedural modeling of facades” by Müller, Zeng, Wonka and Gool

2007 Technical Paper: Kopf_Capturing and Viewing Gigapixel Images

“Capturing and viewing gigapixel images” by Kopf, Uyttendaele, Deussen and Cohen

2007 Technical Paper: Zhou_Direct Manipulation of Subdivision Surfaces on GPUs

“Direct manipulation of subdivision surfaces on GPUs” by Zhou, Huang, Xu, Guo and Shum

2007 Technical Paper: Hasselgren_PCU: The Programmable Culling Unit

“PCU: the programmable culling unit” by Hasselgren and Akenine-Moller

2007 Technical Paper: Koph_Joint Bilateral Upsampling

“Joint bilateral upsampling” by Kopf, Cohen, Lischinski and Uyttendaele

2007 Technical Paper: Agarwala_Efficient Gradient-Domain Compositing Using Quadtrees

“Efficient gradient-domain compositing using quadtrees” by Agarwala

2007 Technical Paper: Kim_Simulation of Bubbles in Foam With The Volume Control Method

“Simulation of bubbles in foam with the volume control method” by Kim, Liu, Llamas, Jiao and Rossignac

2007 Technical Paper: Cleary_Bubbling and Frothing Liquids

“Bubbling and frothing liquids” by Cleary, Pyo, Prakash and Koo

2007 Technical Paper: Fattal_Image Upsampling via Imposed Edge Statistics

“Image upsampling via imposed edge statistics” by Fattal

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