2003 Technical Paper: Reitsma_Perceptual Metrics for Character Animation: Sensitivity to Errors in Ballistic Motion

“Perceptual metrics for character animation: sensitivity to errors in ballistic motion” by Reitsma and Pollard

2003 Technical Paper: Otaduy_Sensation Preserving Simplification for Haptic Rendering

“Sensation preserving simplification for haptic rendering” by Otaduy and Lin

2003 Technical Paper: O’Sullivan_Evaluating the visual fidelity of physically based animations

“Evaluating the visual fidelity of physically based animations” by O’Sullivan, Dingliana, Giang and Kaiser

2003 Technical Paper: Sen_Shadow Silhouette Maps

“Shadow silhouette maps” by Sen, Cammarano and Hanrahan

2003 Technical Paper: Assarsson_A Geometry-based Soft Shadow Volume Algorithm using Graphics Hardware

“A geometry-based soft shadow volume algorithm using graphics hardware” by Assarsson and Akenine-Moller

2003 Technical Paper: Govindaraju_Interactive Shadow Generation in Complex Environments

“Interactive shadow generation in complex environments”

2003 Technical Paper: Chuang_Shadow Matting and Compositing

“Shadow matting and compositing” by Chuang, Goldman, Curless, Salesin and Szeliski

2003 Technical Paper: Alliez_Anisotropic Polygonal Remeshing

“Anisotropic polygonal remeshing” by Alliez, Cohen-Steiner, Devillers, Levy and Desbrun

2003 Technical Paper: Sederberg_T-splines and T-NURCCs

“T-splines and T-NURCCs” by Sederberg, Zheng, Bakenov and Nasri

2003 Technical Paper: Lee_Progressive Encoding of Complex Isosurfaces

“Progressive encoding of complex isosurfaces” by Lee, Desbrun and Schröder

2003 Technical Paper: Ohtake_Multi-level Partition of Unity Implicits

“Multi-level partition of unity implicits” by Ohtake, Belyaev, Alexa, Turk and Seidel

2003 Technical Paper: Pauly_Shape Modeling with Point Sampled Geometry

“Shape modeling with point-sampled geometry” by Pauly, Keiser, Kobbelt and Gross

2003 Technical Paper: Adams_Interactive Boolean Operations on Surfel-Bounded Solids

“Interactive boolean operations on surfel-bounded solids” by Adams and Dutré

2003 Technical Paper: Bala_Combining Edges and Points for Interactive High-Quality Rendering

“Combining edges and points for interactive high-quality rendering” by Bala, Walter and Greenberg

2003 Technical Paper: Goesele_Accurate Light Source Acquisition and Rendering

“Accurate light source acquisition and rendering” by Goesele, Granier, Heidrich and Seidel

2003 Technical Paper: Agarwal_Structured Importance Sampling of Environment Maps

“Structured importance sampling of environment maps”

2003 Technical Paper: Masselus_Relighting with 4D Incident Light Fields

“Relighting with 4D incident light fields” by Masselus, Peers, Dutré and Willems

2003 Technical Paper: Leyvand_Ray Space Factorization for From-Region Visibility

“Ray space factorization for from-region visibility” by Leyvand, Sorkine-Hornung and Cohen-Or

2003 Technical Paper: Allen_The space of human body shapes: reconstruction and parameterization from range scans

“The space of human body shapes: reconstruction and parameterization from range scans” by Allen, Curless and Popovic

2003 Technical Paper: Sand_Continuous Capture of Skin Deformation

“Continuous capture of skin deformation” by Sand, McMillan and Popović

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