2021 Technical Paper: CHEN_Capturing Detailed Deformations of Moving Human Bodies

“Capturing detailed deformations of moving human bodies” by Chen, Park, Macit and Kavan

2021 Technical Paper: YI_TransPose: Real-time 3D Human Translation and Pose Estimation with Six Inertial Sensors

“TransPose: real-time 3D human translation and pose estimation with six inertial sensors” by Yi, Zhou and Xu

2021 Technical Paper: Cao_Real-time 3D Neural Facial Animation from Binocular Video

“Real-time 3D neural facial animation from binocular video” by Cao, Agrawal, Torre, Chen, Saragih, et al. …

SIGGRAPH 2021 Image Not Available

“Learning an animatable detailed 3D face model from in-the-wild images” by Feng, Feng, Black and Bolkart

2021 Technical Paper: Bi_Deep Relightable Appearance Models for Animatable Faces

“Deep relightable appearance models for animatable faces” by Bi, Lombardi, Saito, Simon, Wei, et al. …

2021 Technical Paper: CHEN_DeepFaceEditing: Deep Face Generation and Editing with Disentangled Geometry and Appearance Control

“DeepFaceEditing: deep face generation and editing with disentangled geometry and appearance control” by Chen, Liu, Lai, Rosin, Li, et al. …

2021 Technical Paper: YIN_Discovering Diverse Athletic Jumping Strategies

“Discovering diverse athletic jumping strategies” by Yin, Yang, Panne and Yin

2021 Technical Paper: STARKE_Neural Animation Layering for Synthesizing Martial Arts Movements

“Neural animation layering for synthesizing martial arts movements” by Starke, Zhao, Zinno and Komura

2021 Technical Paper: LEE_Learning a family of motor skills from a single motion clip

“Learning a family of motor skills from a single motion clip” by Lee, Lee, Lee and Lee

2021 Technical Paper: HABERMANN_Real-time Deep Dynamic Characters

“Real-time deep dynamic characters” by Habermann, Liu, Xu, Zollhoefer, Pons-Moll, et al. …

2021 Technical Paper: Chu_Learning Meaningful Controls for Fluids

“Learning meaningful controls for fluids” by Chu, Thuerey, Seidel, Theobalt and Zayer

2021 Technical Paper: MEEKES_Unconventional Patterns on Surfaces

“Unconventional patterns on surfaces” by Meekes and Vaxman

2021 Technical Paper: GARANZHA_Foldover-free maps in 50 lines of code

“Foldover-free maps in 50 lines of code” by Garanzha, Kaporin, Kudryavtseva, Protais, Ray, et al. …

2021 Technical Paper: GILLESPIE_Discrete Conformal Equivalence of Polyhedral Surfaces

“Discrete conformal equivalence of polyhedral surfaces” by Gillespie, Springborn and Crane

2021 Technical Paper: BANGARU_Systematically Differentiating Parametric Discontinuities

“Systematically differentiating parametric discontinuities” by Bangaru, Michel, Mu, Bernstein, Li, et al. …

2021 Technical Paper: MAHMOUD_RXMesh: A GPU Mesh Data Structure

“RXMesh: a GPU mesh data structure” by Mahmoud, Porumbescu and Owens

2021 Technical Paper: ECORMIER-NOCCA_Authoring Consistent Landscapes with Flora and Fauna

“Authoring consistent landscapes with flora and fauna” by Ecormier-Nocca, Cordonnier, Carrez, Moigne, Memari, et al. …

2021 Technical Paper: QU_Fast Linking Numbers for Topology Verification of Loopy Structures

“Fast linking numbers for topology verification of loopy structures” by Qu and James

2021 Technical Paper: VICINI_Path Replay Backpropagation: Differentiating Light Paths using Constant Memory and Linear Time

“Path replay backpropagation: differentiating light paths using constant memory and linear time” by Vicini, Speierer and Jakob

SIGGRAPH 2021 Image Not Available

“Revisiting integration in the material point method: a scheme for easier separation and less dissipation” by Fei and Wu

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