2023 Technical Papers: Cao_Unsupervised Learning of Robust Spectral Shape Matching

“Unsupervised Learning of Robust Spectral Shape Matching” by Cao, Roetzer and Bernard

2023 Technical Papers: Iluz_Word-As-Image for Semantic Typography

“Word-As-Image for Semantic Typography” by Iluz, Vinker, Hertz, Berio, Cohen-Or, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Sawhney_Walk on Stars: A Grid-Free Monte Carlo Method for PDEs with Neumann Boundary Conditions

“Walk on Stars: A Grid-Free Monte Carlo Method for PDEs with Neumann Boundary Conditions” by Sawhney, Miller, Gkioulekas and Crane

2023 Technical Papers: Yu_NOFA: NeRF-based One-shot Facial Avatar Reconstruction

“NOFA: NeRF-based One-shot Facial Avatar Reconstruction” by Yu, Fan, Zhang, Wang, Yin, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Xu_NeuSample: Importance Sampling for Neural Materials

“NeuSample: Importance Sampling for Neural Materials” by Xu, Wu, Hasan, Luan, Georgiev, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Bieron_Single Image Neural Material Relighting

“Single Image Neural Material Relighting” by Bieron, Tong and Peers

2023 Technical Papers: Zhang_Simulation and Retargeting of Complex Multi-Character Interactions

“Simulation and Retargeting of Complex Multi-Character Interactions” by Zhang, Gopinath, Ye, Hodgins, Turk, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Tang_RSMT: Real-time Stylized Motion Transition for Characters

“RSMT: Real-time Stylized Motion Transition for Characters” by Tang, Wu, Wang, Hu, Gong, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Wu_DE-NeRF: DEcoupled Neural Radiance Fields for View-Consistent Appearance Editing and High-Frequency Environmental Relighting

“Relighting Neural Radiance Fields with Shadow and Highlight Hints” by Zeng, Chen, Dong, Peers, Wu, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Lin_Single-Shot Implicit Morphable Faces with Consistent Texture Parameterization

“Single-Shot Implicit Morphable Faces with Consistent Texture Parameterization” by Lin, Nagano, Kautz, Chan, Guibas, et al. …

SIGGRAPH 1990: Technical Papers

SIGGRAPH 1990: Technical Papers

1999 Technical Paper: Hoff_Fast Computation of Generalized Voronoi Diagrams Using Graphics Hardware

“Fast computation of generalized Voronoi diagrams using graphics hardware” by Hoff, Keyser, Lin, Manocha and Culver

2010 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Personal Photo Enhancement Using Example Images” by Joshi, Matusik, Adelson and Kriegman

2010 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Comprehensive Biomechanical Modeling and Simulation of the Upper Body” by Lee, Sifakis and Terzopoulos

2010 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Geometry-Aware Direction Field Processing” by Ray, Vallet, Alonso and Levy

2010 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Topology- and Error-Driven Extension of Scalar Functions From Surfaces to Volumes” by Patane, Spagnuolo and Falcidieno

2010 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“On Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation – Energy Smoothness and Fast Computation” by Liu, Wang, Levy, Sun, Yan, et al. …

2010 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Underwater Cloth Simulation with Fractional Derivatives” by Ozgen, Kallmann, Ramirez and Coimbra

2010 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Subtle Gaze Direction” by Bailey, McNamara, Sudarsanam and Grimm

2010 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Toward a Perceptual Space for Gloss” by Wills, Agarwal, Kriegman and Belongie

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