2005 Talks: Jacobs_Automatic HDRI Generation of Dynamic Environments

“Automatic HDRI Generation of Dynamic Environments” by Jacobs, Ward and Loscos

2005 Talks: Jacobs_Highway to Hell

“Highway to Hell” by Jacobs

2005 Talks: Jones_Performance Geometry Capture for Spatially Varying Relighting

“Performance Geometry Capture for Spatially Varying Relighting” by Jones, Gardner, Bolas, McDowall and Debevec

2005 Talks: Karpenko_Inferring 3D free-form shapes from contour drawings

“Inferring 3D free-form shapes from contour drawings” by Karpenko and Hughes

2005 Talks: Kartasheva_Modelling with Implicit Complexes

“Modelling with Implicit Complexes” by Kartasheva, Adzhiev, Comninos, Pasko and Schmitt

2005 Talks: Hsu_Generating Secondary Motions in Shadow Play Animations with Motion Planning Techniques

“Generating secondary motions in shadow play animations with motion planning techniques” by Hsu and Li

2005 Talks: Harvey_Shader compositing on “Stealth”

“Shader compositing on “Stealth”” by Harvey, Varagnolo, Tang and Vance

2005 Talks: Havran_Importance Sampling for Video Environment Maps

“Importance Sampling for Video Environment Maps” by Havran, Smyk, Krawczyk, Myszkowski and Seidel

2005 Talks: Hensley_Interactive Summed-Area Table Generation for Glossy Environmental Reflections

“Interactive summed-area table generation for glossy environmental reflections” by Hensley, Scheuermann, Singh and Lastra

2005 Talks: Hinrichs_Interface Currents: Supporting Fluent Face-to-Face Collaboration

“Interface Currents: Supporting Fluent Face-to-Face Collaboration” by Hinrichs, Carpendale and Scott

2005 Talks: Hong_Fast Volume Preservation for Realistic Muscle Deformation

“Fast Volume Preservation for Realistic Muscle Deformation” by Hong, Jung, Choi and Welch

2005 Talks: Nielsen_Gigantic Deformable Surfaces

“Gigantic Deformable Surfaces” by Houston, Nielsen, Batty, Nilsson and Museth

2005 Talks: Ikemoto_Learning to Move Autonomously in a Hostile World

“Learning to Move Autonomously in a Hostile World” by Ikemoto, Arikan and Forsyth

2005 Talks: Isenburg_Streaming Compression of Triangle Meshes

“Streaming Compression of Triangle Meshes” by Isenburg, Lindstrom and Snoeyink

2005 Talks: Ghosh_Real Illumination from Virtual Environments

“Real Illumination from Virtual Environments” by Ghosh, Trentacoste, Seetzen and Heidrich

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Elf: electronic life forms” by Glissmann and Hofflin

2005 Talks: Glynn_Manipulating volumetric abstractions to match color perception between dissimilar gamuts.

“Manipulating volumetric abstractions to match color perception between dissimilar gamuts” by Glynn, Carey and Glyn

2005 Talks: Good_Optimized Photon Tracing Using Spherical Harmonic Light Maps

“Optimized Photon Tracing Using Spherical Harmonic Light Maps” by Good and Taylor

2005 Talks: Green_GPU-Accelerated Iterated Function Systems

“GPU-Accelerated Iterated Function Systems” by Green

2005 Talks: Gumhold_Predictive Point-Cloud Compression

“Predictive Point-Cloud Compression” by Gumhold, Kami, Isenburg and Seidel

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