2005 Talks: Utsugi_Multiple Multiperspective Rendering for Autostereoscopic Displays

“Multiple Multiperspective Rendering for Autostereoscopic Displays” by Utsugi, Koike and Oikawa

2005 Talks: Light Waving: Estimating Light Positions From Photographs Alone

“Light Waving: Estimating Light Positions From Photographs Alone” by Winnemöller, Mohan, Tumblin and Gooch

2005 Talks: Wrenninge_A production tool for terrain generation

“A production tool for terrain generation” by Wrenninge, Larsson, Flores and Herman

2005 Talks: Wick_Real-time Data Fusion and Visualization for the Mars Exploration Rovers

“Real-time Data Fusion and Visualization for the Mars Exploration Rovers” by Wick

2005 Talks: White_Cloth Capture

“Cloth capture” by White, Lobay and Forsyth

2005 Talks: Weinstein_Pre-stabilization for Rigid Body Articulation with Contact and Collision

“Pre-stabilization for Rigid Body Articulation with Contact and Collision” by Petterson, Teran and Fedkiw

2005 Talks: Wei_Implementation of Modeling Hair from Multiple Views

“Implementation of Modeling Hair from Multiple Views” by Wei, Ofek, Quan and Shum

2005 Talks: Zhang_Interactive Design and Visualization of Tensor Fields on Surfaces

“Interactive Design and Visualization of Tensor Fields on Surfaces” by Zhang, Hays and Turk

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Cloth Simulation on the GPU” by Zeller

2005 Talks: Zickler_Image-based Rendering from a Sparse Set of Images

“Image-based Rendering from a Sparse Set of Images” by Zickler, Enrique, Ramamoorthi and Belhumeur

2005 Talks: Yang_Sketch-based Modeling of Parameterized Objects

“Sketch-based Modeling of Parameterized Objects” by Yang, Sharon and Panne

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“An Integrated 2D and 3D Pipeline for Independent Filmmakers” by Ye and Irwin

2005 Talks: Xu_Knowledge-Based Modeling of Laser-Scanned Trees

“Knowledge-Based Modeling of Laser-Scanned Trees” by Xu, Gossett and Chen

2005 Talks: SAWANO_A Car-navigation System based on Augmented Reality

“A Car-navigation System based on Augmented Reality” by Sawano and Okada

2005 Talks: Schmidt_Sketch-Based Modeling with the BlobTree

“Sketch-Based Modeling with the BlobTree” by Schmidt, Wyvill and Sousa

2005 Talks: Scholz_Garment Motion Capture Using Color-Coded Patterns

“Garment Motion Capture Using Color-Coded Patterns” by Scholz, Stich, Magnor, Keckeisen and Wacker

2005 Talks: Shao_Animating Autonomous Pedestrians

“Animating Autonomous Pedestrians” by Shao and Terzopoulos

2005 Talks: Shapiro_Interactive and Reactive Dynamic Control

“Interactive and Reactive Dynamic Control” by Shapiro and Faloutsos

2005 Talks: Smith_Combining Metrics for Mesh Simplification and Parameterization

“Combining Metrics for Mesh Simplification and Parameterization” by Smith and Martin

2005 Talks: Sibley_Vectorfield Isosurface-based Reconstruction from Oriented Points

“Vectorfield Isosurface-based Reconstruction from Oriented Points” by Sibley and Taubin

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