2004 Talks: Rockwood_Re-usable Implicit Functions

“Re-usable Implicit Functions” by Rockwood and Tankelevich

2004 Talks: Rizzo_Abstract Virtual Environments for Assessing Cognitive Abilities

“Abstract Virtual Environments for Assessing Cognitive Abilities” by Severson and Rizzo

2004 Talks: Peterson_Animating Puss in Boots’ Feather in Shrek 2

“Animating Puss in Boots’ Feather in Shrek 2” by Peterson

2004 Talks: Kyoko_Surfaces Paper Illuminated Using Drawings for Strokes

“Surfaces Paper Illuminated Using Drawings for Strokes” by Murakami, Tsuruno and Genda

2004 Talks: Paterson_Extracting Face Bump Maps From Video

“Extracting Face Bump Maps From Video” by Paterson and Fitzgibbon

2004 Talks: Otaduy_Haptic Rendering of Interaction between Textured Models

“Haptic Rendering of Interaction between Textured Models” by Otaduy, Jain, Sud and Lin

2004 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Experimental Validation of Analytical BRDF Models” by Ngan, Durand and Matusik

2004 Talks: Neulander_Quick Image-Based Lighting of Hair

“Quick Image-Based Lighting of Hair” by Neulander

2004 Talks: Monks_Posing as a Werewolf: The Creature Matchmove Tool Used for Van Helsing

“Posing as a Werewolf: The Creature Matchmove Tool Used for Van Helsing” by Monks, Newall, Phillips, Popravka, Smith, et al. …

2004 Talks: Möhring_Video See-Through and Optical Tracking with Consumer Cell Phones

“Video See-Through and Optical Tracking with Consumer Cell Phones” by Möhring, Bimber and Lessig

2004 Talks: McGuire_A Heightfield on an Isometric Grid

“A Heightfield on an Isometric Grid” by McGuire and Sibley

2004 Talks: Meyer_The Body's Surface as a Multimedia Interface: Closed-Eyes Nonverbal Telehaptic Communication

“The body’s surface as a multimedia interface: closed-eyes nonverbal telehaptic communication” by Meyer

2004 Talks: Martin_Reflection Morphing

“Reflection Morphing” by Martin and Popescu

2004 Talks: McLaughlin_Wrangling Lighting and Rendering Data at Disney Feature Animation

“Wrangling Lighting and Rendering Data at Disney Feature Animation” by McLaughlin, Lohmar, Petti, Wakeland and Springfield

2004 Talks: Mertens_A Self-Shadow Algorithm for Dynamic Hair using Density Clustering

“A Self-Shadow Algorithm for Dynamic Hair using Density Clustering” by Mertens, Kautz, Bekaert and Reeth

2004 Talks: Mochizuki_Fragra: A Visual-Olfactory VR Game

“Fragra: A Visual-Olfactory VR Game” by Mochizuki, Amada, Sawa, Takeda, Motoyashiki, et al. …

2004 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“I,Robot: Character Pipeline, Tools, and Methods” by Sretschinsky, Preeg, Gerber, George and Miller

2004 Talks: Mo_Improved Automatic Caricature by Feature Normalization and Exaggeration

“Improved Automatic Caricature by Feature Normalization and Exaggeration” by Mo, Lewis and Neumann

2004 Talks: Olwal_An Autostereoscopic Optical See-through Display for Augmented Reality

“An Autostereoscopic Optical See-through Display for Augmented Reality” by Olwal, Lindfors and Gustafsson

2004 Talks: Lloyd_CC Shadow Volumes

“CC Shadow Volumes” by Lloyd, Wendt, Govindaraju and Manocha

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