2016 Posters: Soga_Body-part Motion Synthesis System for Contemporary Dance Creation

“Body-part Motion Synthesis System for Contemporary Dance Creation” by Soga, Yazaki, Umino and Hirayama

2016 Posters: Kim_Automatic Generation of 3D Typography

“Automatic Generation of 3D Typography” by Kim and Choi

2016 Posters: Higashino_ARTTag: Aesthetic Fiducial Markers based on Circle Pairs

“ARTTag: Aesthetic Fiducial Markers based on Circle Pairs” by Higashino, Nishi and Sakamoto

2016 Posters: Choi_A Study on 3D Digital Image Applying Oriental Painting Techniques

“A Study on 3D Digital Image Applying Oriental Painting Techniques” by Choi

2020 Poster: Huang_Uncertainty quantification for multi-scan registration

“Uncertainty quantification for multi-scan registration” by Huang, Liang and Huang

2020 Poster: Wu_Analytic spherical harmonic gradients for real-time rendering with many polygonal area lights

“Analytic spherical harmonic gradients for real-time rendering with many polygonal area lights” by Wu, Cai, Zhao and Ramamoorthi

2020 Poster: Chang_Towards occlusion-aware multifocal displays

“Towards occlusion-aware multifocal displays” by Chang, Levin, Kumar and Sankaranarayanan

2020 Poster: Wang_Vid2Curve: simultaneous camera motion estimation and thin structure reconstruction from an RGB video

“Vid2Curve: simultaneous camera motion estimation and thin structure reconstruction from an RGB video” by Wang, Liu, Chen, Chu, Theobalt, et al. …

2020 Poster: Kotwal_Interferometric transmission probing with coded mutual intensity

“Interferometric transmission probing with coded mutual intensity” by Kotwal, Levin and Gkioulekas

2020 Poster: Bailey_Fast and deep facial deformations

“Fast and deep facial deformations” by Bailey, Omens, DiLorenzo and O’Brien

2020 Poster: Chen_DeepFaceDrawing: deep generation of face images from sketches

“DeepFaceDrawing: deep generation of face images from sketches” by Chen, Su, Gao, Xia and Fu

2020 Poster: Cucerca_Computational image marking on metals via laser induced heating

“Computational image marking on metals via laser induced heating” by Cucerca, Didyk, Seidel and Babaei

2020 Poster: Ly_Projective dynamics with dry frictional contact

“Projective dynamics with dry frictional contact” by Ly, Jouve, Boissieux and Bertails-Descoubes

2020 Poster: Liu_Neural subdivision

“Neural subdivision” by Liu, Kim, Chaudhuri, Aigerman and Jacobson

2020 Poster: He_Informative scene decomposition for crowd analysis, comparison and simulation guidance

“Informative scene decomposition for crowd analysis, comparison and simulation guidance” by He, Xiang, Zhao and Wang

2017 Posters: Takeuchi_Partial Plane Sweep Volume for Deep Learning Based View Synthesis

“Partial Plane Sweep Volume for Deep Learning Based View Synthesis” by Takeuchi, Okami, Ochi and Kimata

2017 Posters: Schedl_Optimized Sampling for View Interpolation in Light Fields Using Local Dictionaries

“Optimized Sampling for View Interpolation in Light Fields Using Local Dictionaries” by Schedl, Birklbauer and Bimber

2017 Posters: Wang_Obtuse Triangle Elimination for Isotropic Remeshing

“Obtuse Triangle Elimination for Isotropic Remeshing” by Wang, Yan, Tang and Liu

2017 Posters: Havran_Lightdrum – Surface Reflectance Measurement on Site

“Lightdrum – Surface Reflectance Measurement on Site” by Havran, Hošek, Němcová, Čáp and Bittner

2017 Posters: Arellano_Fast back-projection for non-line of sight reconstruction

“Fast back-projection for non-line of sight reconstruction” by Arellano, Gutierrez and Jarabo

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