2008 Posters: Iba_“ChaoSwitch”

“ChaoSwitch: toward experiential and reflective learning of complex phenomena in 3D virtual world” by Iba, Hirose and Shimonishi

2008 Posters: Bain_Arctic Fracture: A real-time visualization of live music using 3D computer animation

“Arctic fracture: a real-time visualization of live music using 3D computer animation” by Bain

2008 Posters: Shih_Efficient Rendering Technique for Darkride Visualization

“Efficient rendering technique for darkride visualization” by Shih and Lu

2008 Posters: Shimonishi_The Footprints of Chaos

“The footprints of chaos: a novel method and demonstration for generating various patterns from chaos” by Shimonishi, Hirose and Iba

2008 Posters: Dabdoub_Visualizing molecular uncertainty: A path to the path

“Visualizing molecular uncertainty: a path to the path” by Dabdoub, Mohan and Ray

2008 Posters: Schuster_Life is Meaning (www.lifeismeaning.com)

“Life is Meaning” by Schuster

2008 Posters: Murphy_New Tools for Collaborative Industrial Design and Communication

“New tools for collaborative industrial design and communication” by Murphy, Dick, Lawrie and King

2008 Posters: Kayalar_A User Interface Prototype For A Mobile Augmented Reality Tool To Assist Archaeological Fieldwork

“A user interface prototype for a mobile augmented reality tool to assist archaeological fieldwork” by Kayalar, Kavlak and Balcisoy

2008 Posters: Kato_Culinary Art Designer

“Culinary art designer” by Kato, Mitake, Shiina, Tokizaki, Aoki, et al. …

2008 Posters: Lopez-Gulliver_gCubik : A Cubic Autostereoscopic Display for Multiuser Interaction – Grasp and Group-Share Virtual Images –

“gCubik: a cubic autostereoscopic display for multiuser interaction: grasp and group-share virtual images” by Lopez-Gulliver, Yoshida, Yano and Inoue

2008 Posters: Hashimoto_An Effective Combination of Haptic and Tactile Sensations in Human-scale Virtual Environments

“An effective combination of haptic and tactile sensations in human-scale virtual environments” by Hashimoto, Iio and Sato

2008 Posters: Pinto_BraTrack: A Low-Cost Marker-based Optical Stereo Tracking System

“BraTrack: a low-cost marker-based optical stereo tracking system” by Buaes, Francio, Binotto and Santos

2008 Posters: Minamizawa_GhostGlove: Haptic Existence of the Virtual World

“GhostGlove: haptic existence of the virtual world” by Minamizawa, Kamuro, Fukamachi, Kawakami and Tachi

2008 Posters: Kimura_PVLC Projector: Image Projection with Imperceptible Pixel-Level Metadata

“PVLC projector: image projection with imperceptible pixel-level metadata” by Kimura, Oguchi, Tanida, Takahashi and Naemura

“Survey of national/culture specific tendencies of avatars in the diversifying metaverse” by Hirata, Mitsubuchi and Sueda

2007 Poster Emergent Geometry Procedural Modeling Through Behavior 01

“Emergent geometry: procedural modeling through behavior”

2007 Poster Jiang Toward Real Time Object Manipulation in Dynamic Environment 02

“Toward real-time object manipulation in dynamic environments”

2007 Poster Kavlak Synaesthetics 01

“Synaesthetics” by Kavlak and Tamer

2007 Posters: Ramamonjisoa Designing and Implementing Knowledge Bases for Narrative Animations System

“Designing and implementing knowledge bases for narrative animations system” by Ramamonjisoa

2007 Posters: Kostandov Robot Gaming and Learning using Augmented Reality

“Robot gaming and learning using augmented reality” by Kostandov, Schwertfeger, Jenkins, Jianu, Buller, et al. …

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