2008 Posters: Terai_Tile-based Field Modeling

“Tile-based field modeling” by Terai, Fujiki, Tsuruno and Tomimatsu

2008 Posters: Nakano_Automatic and Accurate Mesh Fitting Based on 3D Range Scanning Data

“Automatic and accurate mesh fitting based on 3D range scanning data” by Nakano, Nonaka, Maejima and Morishima

2008 Posters: Brauer_Automated Interior Design from A to Z

“Automated interior design from A to Z” by Brauer, Ohsen and Loviscach

2008 Posters: Nagao_Whadget: Interactive Animation using Personification Gesture Expression of Hand

“Whadget: interactive animation using personification gesture expression of hand” by Nagao, Yamaguchi, Harada, Omura and Inakage

2008 Posters: Jang_Depth Image based 3D Human Modeling Resolving Self-Occlusion

“Depth image based 3D human modeling resolving self-occlusion” by Jang, Cho, Seo, Park and Lee

2008 Posters: Kubo_Synthesizing Facial Animation using Dynamical Property of Facial Muscle

“Synthesizing facial animation using dynamical property of facial muscle”

2008 Posters: Sugimoto_Hair Animation and Styling based on 3D Range Scanning Data

“Hair animation and styling based on 3D range scanning data” by Sugimoto and Morishima

2008 Posters: Phan_Surface Reconstruction from Point Set using Projection Operator

“Surface reconstruction from point set using projection operator” by Phan, Liu, Abeysinghe, Ju and Grimm

2008 Posters: Kanamori_Eccentric Radial Basis Functions and Its Applications

“Eccentric radial basis functions and its applications” by Kanamori, Takaoki and Nishita

2008 Posters: Doba_Interactive Deformation Using Volumetric Constraints

“Interactive deformation using volumetric constraints” by Doba, Ogawa, Murakami and Masuda

2008 Posters: Lagae_Accelerating Ray Tracing using Constrained Tetrahedralizations

“Accelerating ray tracing using constrained tetrahedralizations” by Lagae and Dutré

2008 Posters: Stephenson_Interactive Relighting for Stage Use

“Interactive relighting for stage use” by Stephenson

2008 Posters: Uno_Lace curtain: Measurement of BTDF and rendering of woven cloth – Production of a catalog of curtain animations –

“Lace curtain: measurement of BTDF and rendering of woven cloth: -production of a catalog of curtain animations-” by Uno, Mizushima, Nagata and Sakaguchi

2008 Posters: Kubo_A Method for 3D Scene Reconstruction from Ukiyo-e

“A method for 3D scene reconstruction from Ukiyo-e” by Kubo, Cho, Usami and Hirota

2008 Posters: Jo_A GPU-based Real-time Rendering Method for Immersive Stereoscopic Displays

“A GPU-based real-time rendering method for immersive stereoscopic displays” by Jo, Minamizawa, Nii, Kawakami and Tachi

2008 Posters: Ernst_Precomputed Importance Sampling

“Precomputed importance sampling” by Ernst and Greiner

2008 Posters: Subramanian_Volumetric Peeling: Feature Centric Visualization using Membership Functions

“Volumetric peeling: feature centric visualization using membership functions” by Subramanian, Vaidya, Mullick and Malladi

2008 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Accident animation: complexity of integrating accident scene data from multiple sources, and the value of these animations in promoting and improving transportation safety” by Spangler and Park

2008 Posters: ONIGAHARA_A Study of Pr

“A study of printing order estimation of two-color wood-block printing” by Onigahara, Mizuno and Okada

2008 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Computer graphics for quantum computation” by Zarina and Freivalds

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