2019 Poster 25 Ito_Biodigital

“Biodigital: Transform Data to Experience, beyond Data Visualization” by Ito and Hidalgo

2002 Poster Kim: Multi-Task Audio-Driven Facial Animation

“Multi-Task Audio-Driven Facial Animation” by Kim, An, Jo, Park, Kang, et al. …

2002 Poster Jiang: Meet in Rain - A Serious Game to Help the Better Appreciation of Chinese Poems

“Meet in Rain: A Serious Game to Help the Better Appreciation of Chinese Poems” by Jiang and Nishino

2002 Poster Mokhov: ISSv2 and OpenISS - Distributed System for Real-time Interaction for Performing Arts

“ISSv2 and OpenISS Distributed System for Real-time Interaction for Performing Arts” by Mokhov, Li, Lai, Singh, Shen, et al. …

2002 Poster Ghosh: Exploring Color Variations for Vector Graphics

“Exploring Color Variations for Vector Graphics” by Ghosh, Echevarria, Batra and Phogat

2002 Poster Maejima: Graph Matching based Anime Colorization with Multiple References

“Graph Matching based Anime Colorization with Multiple References” by Maejima, Kubo, Funatomi, Yotsukura, Nakamura, et al. …

2002 Poster Ghosh: Exploring Color Variations for Vector Graphics

“Exploring Color Variations for Vector Graphics” by Ghosh, Echevarria, Batra and Phogat

2002 Poster Wang: A Formal Process to Design Visual Archetypes Based on Character Taxonomies

“A Formal Process to Design Visual Archetypes Based on Character Taxonomies” by Wang, Eason and Akleman

2002 Poster Akita: Fully Automatic Colorization for Anime Character Considering Accurate Eye Colors

“Fully Automatic Colorization for Anime Character Considering Accurate Eye Colors” by Akita, Morimoto and Tsuruno

2002 Poster Kang: Scented Graphics - Exploration in Inkjet Scented-printing

“Scented Graphics” by Kang and Nishino

2002 Poster Batra: Massively Parallel Layout Generation In Real Time

“Massively Parallel Layout Generation In Real Time” by Batra, Phogat and Beri

2002 Poster Obushi: MagniFinger: Fingertip-mounted microscope for augmenting human perception

“MagniFinger: Fingertip-Mounted Microscope For Augmenting Human Perception” by Hiyama, Obushi, Wakisaka, Inami and Kasahara

SIGGRAPH 2004: Posters

SIGGRAPH 2004: Posters

SIGGRAPH 2005: Posters

SIGGRAPH 2005: Posters

SIGGRAPH 2006: Posters

SIGGRAPH 2006: Posters

SIGGRAPH 2007: Posters

SIGGRAPH 2007: Posters

2019 Poster 41 Bird_GPGPU Acceleration

“GPGPU Acceleration of Environmental and Movement Datasets” by Bird and Laycock

2019 Poster 29 Cook_InNervate Immersion

“InNervate Immersion: Case Study of Dynamic Simulations in AR/VR Environments for Learning Muscular Innervation” by Ackley, Payne, Cook, Seo, Gonzalez, et al. …

2019 Poster 27 Sermet_Flood Action VR

“Flood Action VR: A Virtual Reality Framework for Disaster Awareness and Emergency Response Training” by Sermet and Demir

“Fluid-Measurement Technology using Flow Birefringence of Nanocellulose” by Yamashita, Miyaki, Kasuga, Nogi, Suwa, et al. …

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