1995 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“World Wide Web Panel Computer Science Education – Surfing the WEB”

1995 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Towards a Theory of Computer Design Education”

1995 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“The CGI Industry/Education Connection: Find the Best Education for the Right Job”

1995 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“A Methodology for Producing Multimedia Computer-Based Training” by Connel

1995 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Design and Integration of Visualization Tools for the Graphics Classroom” by Schweitzer and Young

1995 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“An Effective Tool for Learning the Visual Effects of Rendering Algorithms”

1995 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Adaptation of New Technologies for Production of Digital Portfolios and Their Applications to Graphic Design Education”

1995 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Creative Computer Graphics Teaching for Artistic Minds”

1995 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Introduction to College / University Track” by McConnell

SIGGRAPH 1988 Image Not Available

“Informal discussion among attendees”

SIGGRAPH 1988 Image Not Available

“Discussion of a project assigned to computer science students and to art students”

SIGGRAPH 1988 Image Not Available

“Computer graphics education in the arts”

SIGGRAPH 1988 Image Not Available

“Computer graphics education in computer science”

SIGGRAPH 1988 Image Not Available

“Scientific visualization”

SIGGRAPH 1988 Image Not Available

“Benefits of collaboration between artist and scientist: Visualization of mathematical and scientific data”

SIGGRAPH 1988 Image Not Available

“Benefits of collaboration between artist and scientist: The interactive image” by DeFanti

SIGGRAPH 1988 Image Not Available

“Successful computer graphics applications in science and education” by DeFanti and Cox

SIGGRAPH 1988 Image Not Available

“Introduction to the Educators Workshop”

1987 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Engineering track: Trends and practices in graphics education for upper division classes”

1987 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Engineering track: Trends and practices in graphics education for lower division classes”

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