1990 14 Cover The Computer Graphics Interface CGI The Next I

“The Computer Graphics Interface (CGI)-The Next International Graphics Standard” Chaired by Theodore N. Reed

1990 13 Cover Curve And Surface Design From Geometry To Applic

“Curve and Surface Design: From Geometry to Applications” Chaired by Gregory M. Nielson

1990 12 Cover Solid Modeling Architectures Mathematics And Alg

“Solid Modeling Architectures Mathematics And Algorithms” Chaired by James (Jim) R. Miller

1990 11 Cover Volume Visualization Algorithms And Architecture

“Volume Visualization Algorithms And Architectures” Chaired by Marc Levoy

1990 10 Cover Character Animation By Computer

“Character Animation By Computer” Chaired by Bill Kroyer

1990 09 Cover Phigs Plus Advanced Three Dimensional Graphics W

“Phigs Plus: Advanced Three-Dimensional Graphics With a Standard Application Programmer Interface” Chaired by Edy Henderson

1990 08 Cover Human Figure Animation Approaches And Applicatio

“Human Figure Animation Approaches And Applications” Chaired by Tom W. Calvert

1990 07 Cover Emerging User Interface Media Potentials And Cha

“Emerging User-Interface Media Potentials And Challenges” Chaired by Chris Schmandt

1990 06 Cover Stereographics

“Stereographics” Chaired by David F. McAllister

1990 05 Cover Generation of Three Dimensional Data For Compute

“Generation Of Three-Dimensional Data For Computer Image Synthesis” Chaired by Wayne E. Carlson and Richard (Rick) E. Parent

1990 04 Cover An Aristic Introduction To Computer Animation

“An Artistic Introduction To Computer Animation” Chaired by Maria Palazzi

1990 03 Cover Introduction To Hypertext And Hypermedia

“Introduction To Hypertext And Hypermedia” Chaired by Jakob Nielsen

1990 02 Cover Color And Computer Graphics

“Color And Computer Graphics” Chaired by Aaron Marcus

1990 01 Cover Fundamentals And Overview Of Computer Graphics

“Fundamentals And Overview Of Computer Graphics” Chaired by Olin Lathrop

1989 30 Cover Topics in Physically Based Modeling

“Topics in Physically-Based Modeling”

1989 29 Cover Implementing and Interacting with Real-Time Microworlds

“Implementing and Interacting with Real-Time Microworlds” by Zeltzer, Brooks, Deyo, Fisher and Sturman

1989 28 Cover State of the Art in Data Visualization

“State of the Art in Data Visualization” by Lathrop, Brown, Legensky, Smith, Treinish, et al. …

1989 27 Cover The Postscript Page Description Language

“The Postscript Page Description Language” by Hourvitz, Gass and Anderson

1989 26 Cover X3D PEX (PEX) 3D Graphics in a Distributed Window System

“X3D-PEX (PEX): 3D Graphics in a Distributed Window System” by Hess, McGinnis, Garnett, Plunkett, Rosenthal, et al. …

1989 25 Cover The Computer Graphics Interface The Next International Graphics Standard

“The Computer Graphics Interface: The Next International Graphics Standard” by Reed, Chauveau and Chin

1 56 57 58 59 60 68