1992 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available V2

“Reality Versus Imagination” by Brown

2020 Art Papers: Efrat_REALational Perspectives: Strategies for Expanding beyond the Here and Now in Mobile Augmented Reality (AR) Art

“REALational Perspectives: Strategies for Expanding Beyond the Here-and-Now in Mobile Augmented Reality (AR) Art” by Efrat

2019 Ribeiro, Rocha Political Crystals

“Political Crystals: Algorithmic Strategies for Data Visualization” by Ribeiro and Rocha

2014 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Posture Platform and The Drawing Room: Virtual Teleportation in Cyberspace” by Courchesne, Durand and Roy

2016 Art Papers: Cetilia_Pulse Shape 22: Audiovisual Performance and Data Transmutation

“Pulse Shape 22: Audiovisual Performance and Data Transmutation” by Cetila

2016 Art Papers: Rabinovich_Raised On YouTube: Cultural Data Materialization Using Plants

“Raised On YouTube: Cultural Data Materialization Using Plants” by Rabinovichi

2009 Art Papers: Ryan_Re-Visioning the Interface: Technological Fashion as Critical Media

“Re-Visioning the Interface: Technological Fashion as Critical Media” by Ryan

1993 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Soft Future” by Wright

2019 Laurenzo Smile

“Smile” by Laurenzo

2008 Berzowska Mainstone Skorpions

“Skorpions” by Berzowska

2011 Art Papers: Miwa_Shadow Awareness: Enhancing Theater Space Through the Mutual Projection of Images on a Connective Slit Screen

“Shadow Awareness: Enhancing Theater Space Through the Mutual Projection of Images on a Connective Slit Screen” by Miwa, Itai, Watanabe and Nishi

2004 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Sensational Technologies” by Dekker and van Saaze

2019 Art Papers: Park_Secrets of Balanced Composition as Seen through a Painter’s Window: Visual Analyses of Paintings Based on Subset Barycenter Patterns

“Secrets of Balanced Composition as Seen Through a Painter’s Window: Visual Analyses of Paintings Based on Subset Barycenter Patterns” by Park

2001 Art Paper: Sengers_Schizophrenia and Narrative in Artificial Agents

“Schizophrenia and Narrative in Artificial Agents” by Sengers

2018 Art Papers: Katsumoto_Robotype: Studies of Kinetic Typography by Robot Display for Expressing Letters, Time and Movement

“Robotype: Studies of Kinetic Typography by Robot Display for Expressing Letters, Time and Movement” by Katsumoto

2017 Nikolic, Arsovski, Cheok: Robosophy Philosophy

“Robosophy Philosophy: Übermensch and Magnanimous” by Nikolić, Arsovski and Cheok

2020 Art Papers: Eroglu_Rilievo: Artistic Scene Authoring via Interactive Height Map Extrusion in VR

“Rilievo: Artistic Scene Authoring via Interactive Height Map Extrusion in VR” by Eroglu, Schmitz, Martinez, Rusch, Kobbelt, et al. …

“SoS” by Del Favero and Bednarz

1993 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Interaction and Play” by Rötzer

“Instababy Generator” by Kusano and Yamaoka

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