2001 Talks: Fukatsu_Intuitive Multiple Viewpoints Control using Interlocked Motion of Coordinate Pairs

“Intuitive Multiple Viewpoints Control using Interlocked Motion of Coordinate Pairs” by Fukatsu, Kitamura, Masaki and Kishino

2001 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Mayhem: A New Trend for Virtual Environments (and Online Games)” by Oliveira, Crowcroft and Slater

2001 Talks: Beckhaus_Non-Graphical Application of Hardware Accelerated Voxelization

“Non-Graphical Application of Hardware Accelerated Voxelization” by Beckhaus and Wind

2001 Talks: Rajan_View-Dependent Texture Mapping of Video for Realistic Avatars in Collaborative Virtual Environments

“View-Dependent Texture Mapping of Video for Realistic Avatars in Collaborative Virtual Environments” by Rajan, Keenan, Sandin, DeFanti and Subramanian

2000 Talks: Yoshimori_Combination of Two- and Three-Dimensional Space for Solid Modeling

“Combination of Two-and Three-Dimensional Space for Solid Modeling” by Yoshimori, Matsumiya, Takemura and Yokoya

2000 Talks: Quek_Bunshin: A Believable Avatar Surrogate for Both Scripted and On-the-Fly Pen-Based Control in a Presentation Environment

“Bunshin: A Believable Avatar Surrogate for Both Scripted and On-the-Fly Pen-Based Control in a Presentation Environment” by Quek, Yarger, Haciahmetoglu, Ohya, Kawato, et al. …

2000 Talks: Sugimoto_Enhancement of Virtual Interaction Devices Using Pseudo Force Sensation

“Enhancement of Virtual Interaction Devices Using Pseudo Force Sensation” by Sugimoto and Fujishiro

2000 Talks: Yamauchi_Gesture-Based Ping-Pong Game Using Real-Time Depth-Image Input Device

“Gesture-Based Ping-Pong Game Using Real-Time Depth-Image Input Device” by Yamauchi

2000 Talks: Stein_The Metric Cursor

“The Metric Cursor” by Stein and Coquillart

2000 Talks: Marks_Natural Interfaces via Real-Time Video

“Natural Interfaces via Real-Time Video” by Marks

2000 Talks: Yamashita_On Determining the Haptic Smoothness of Force-Shaded Surfaces

“On Determining the Haptic Smoothness of Force-Shaded Surfaces” by Yamashita, Fukui, Morikawa, Sato and Lindeman

2000 Talks: Maekawa_Virtual Human That Can Predict Comfort and Pain Level

“Virtual Human That Can Predict Comfort and Pain Level” by Maekawa, Kato and Lai

2023 Courses: Caldwell_What We Talk About, When We Talk About Story

“What We Talk About, When We Talk About Story” Chaired by

2023 Courses: Liu_Building a Real-time System on GPUs for Simulation and Rendering of Realistic 3D Liquid in Video Games

“Building a Real-time System on GPUs for Simulation and Rendering of Realistic 3D Liquid in Video Games” Chaired by

2023 Courses: Sharma_Introduction to Generative Machine Learning

“Introduction to Generative Machine Learning” by Sharma and Tang

2023 Image Not Available

“Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games, Part II” Chaired by

2023 Courses: Kenwright_Real-Time Ray-tracing With Vulkan for the Impatient

“The Vulkan Computer Graphics API” Chaired by

2023 Image Not Available

“Advances in Real-Time Rendering Part I” Chaired by

2023 Courses: Wyman_A Gentle Introduction to ReSTIR: Path Reuse in Real-time

“A Gentle Introduction to ReSTIR: Path Reuse in Real-time” Chaired by

2023 Courses: Bailey_An Experience Course: A Whirlwind Introduction to Computer Graphics for Total Beginners

“An Experience Course: A Whirlwind Introduction to Computer Graphics for Total Beginners” by Bailey

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