“Virtual Open Heart Surgery – Training Complex Surgical Procedures in Congenital Heart Disease” by Sørensen and Mosegaard

  • ©Thomas Sangild Sørensen and Jesper Mosegaard



Entry Number: 35


    Virtual Open Heart Surgery - Training Complex Surgical Procedures in Congenital Heart Disease



    We have developed a new training tool for complex heart surgery and present an open heart surgery simulator on congenitally malformed hearts. The purpose of the simulator is (at least) twofold: 1) To illustrate various elements of difficult surgical procedures, and 2) To allow surgeons to rehearse these elements virtually. In time, virtual surgery is expected to become a natural supplement to and even replace parts of current surgical training. In a foreseeable future, new tools will take younger surgeons faster and more safely through their inevitable learning curves. We also expect these tools to help experienced surgeons during their preoperative planning of the most complex cases.

Other Information:


    MOSEGAARD, J., AND SØRENSEN, T.S. 2005a. GPU accelerated surgical simulators for complex morphology. IEEE Virtual Reality, 147-153.

    MOSEGAARD, J., AND SØRENSEN, T.S. 2005b. Real-time deformation of detailed geometry based on mappings to a less detailed physical simulation on the GPU. Eurographics Virtual Environments, 105-110.

    SØRENSEN, T.S., AND MOSEGAARD, J. 2005. Surgical planning in congenital heart disease by means of real-time medical visualization and simulation. ACM SIGGRAPH Animation Festival, 295.

    SØRENSEN, T.S., AND MOSEGAARD, J. 2006. Haptic feedback for the GPU-based surgical simulator. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, 119:523-528.


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