“V-TOYS: Visually Interactive Toys” by Yacoob

  • ©Yaser Yacoob



E-Tech Type(s):


    V-TOYS is a visually interactive robot that understands and reacts to human presence and visual messages. It has a rotating neck, two controllable eyes, controllable, deformable eyebrows, and a mouth. Its video camera recovers visual information and searches for human presence. When it locates a person, it continuously analyzes facial deformations to find clues about the human’s mood. These basic capabilities are augmented by a set of simple behaviors designed to attract a viewer. V-TOY deforms its facial features as it talks, to invite the user to look at it. It mimics, exaggerates, and smiles at user facial deformations, which generates human curiosity.

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©Yaser Yacoob ©Yaser Yacoob


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