“Toward an Ocean of Light: Interaction and Visualization in Three Physical Dimensions” by Squidsoup

  • ©Squidsoup




    Toward an Ocean of Light: Interaction and Visualization in Three Physical Dimensions



    Squidsoup’s work combines sound, physical space, and virtual worlds to produce immersive and emotive headspaces. Their work has been shown at numerous festivals, seminars, and galleries around the world, including ISEA, Lates at the Victoria and Albert Museum and Tate Britain, Kinetica Art Fair, SONAR, and the annual SIGGRAPH conference. Their talk focuses on recent projects and experiments, including
    Glowing Pathfinder Bugs, exhibited in the SIGGRAPH 2010 Art Gallery (TouchPoint: Haptic Exchange Between Digits), that explore the creative potential of simple, natural forms of interaction combined with evocative, dynamic visuals that occupy physical space.

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