“The Non-Photorealistic Camera: Automatic Stylization With Multi-Flash Imaging” by Raskar, Tan, Feris, Yu and Turk
- More from SIGGRAPH 2004:
Entry Number: 18
- The Non-Photorealistic Camera: Automatic Stylization With Multi-Flash Imaging
While photographs are the de facto visual medium for depicting reality, for some scenarios it is hard to produce pictures that convey clearly the 3D structure of a scene to the human eye. Consider imaging a white piece of paper with a white background. A traditional camera will record a mostly white image, and the shape of the paper will be lost or difficult to perceive. Our goal is to create enhanced images and video that make it easy for the viewer to understand the relative depth of the objects in the scenes depicted. This non-photorealistic camera is inspired by techniques used by skilled artists and digital illustrators to make images comprehensible: accentuating important features and reducing visual clutter.
A multi-flash camera uses strategically positioned flashes to cast shadows along silhouettes in the scene, which can then be reliably detected. The detected silhouettes can then be rendered in cartoon style or as technical illustrations. This overcomes the need for per frame photo editing or 3D scanning of environments and allows automatic stylization of real world images.