“Tangibles at Play” by Ishii, Alonso, Bonanni, Chang, Gouldstone, et al. …

  • ©Hiroshi Ishii, Jason Alonso, Leonardo Bonanni, Angela Chang, James Gouldstone, Vincent LeClerc, Amanda Parkes, James Patten, Hayes Raffle, Kimiko Ryokai, Richard Whitney, Oren Zuckerman, Stefan Marti, Ben Recht, Ichiro Kase, Mitsunori Hirano, Kazue Kobayashi, and Takuma Hosokawa

  • ©Hiroshi Ishii, Jason Alonso, Leonardo Bonanni, Angela Chang, James Gouldstone, Vincent LeClerc, Amanda Parkes, James Patten, Hayes Raffle, Kimiko Ryokai, Richard Whitney, Oren Zuckerman, Stefan Marti, Ben Recht, Ichiro Kase, Mitsunori Hirano, Kazue Kobayashi, and Takuma Hosokawa


    Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) separate intangible representations (pixels) and remote controllers (mouse, keyboard). We present an opposite approach, “Tangible User Interfaces” (TUIs), that tightly couples representations and controls to take advantage of multimodal human senses and skills to manipulate physical objects. We showcase the latest examples of TUIs with a special focus on play, improvisation, and creativity.

Other Information:


    ISHII, H. and ULLMER, B., Tangible Bits: Towards Seamless Interfaces between People, Bits and Atoms, in Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘97), (Atlanta, March 1997), ACM Press, pp. 234-241.

    RYOKAI, K., MARTI S., ISHII, H. I/O Brush: Drawing with Everyday Objects as Ink, in Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘04), (Vienna, Austria, April 24 – April 29, 2004).

    RAFFLE, H., PARKES, A., ISHII, H., Topobo: A Constructive Assembly with Kinetic Memory, in Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘04), (Vienna, Austria, April 24 – April 29, 2004).

    PATTEN, J., RECHT, B., ISHII, H., Audiopad: A Tag-based Interface for Musical Performance, in Proceedings of Conference on New Interface for Musical Expression (NIME ‘02), (Dublin, Ireland, May 24 – 26, 2002)

    ZUCKERMAN, O., ARIDA, S., RESNICK, M. Extending Tangible Interfaces for Education: Digital Montessori-Inspired Manipulatives. in Proceedings of CHI ’05, ACM Press.

Additional Images:

©Hiroshi Ishii, Jason Alonso, Leonardo Bonanni, Angela Chang, James Gouldstone, Vincent LeClerc, Amanda Parkes, James Patten, Hayes Raffle, Kimiko Ryokai, Richard Whitney, Oren Zuckerman, Stefan Marti, Ben Recht, Ichiro Kase, Mitsunori Hirano, Kazue Kobayashi, and Takuma Hosokawa ©Hiroshi Ishii, Jason Alonso, Leonardo Bonanni, Angela Chang, James Gouldstone, Vincent LeClerc, Amanda Parkes, James Patten, Hayes Raffle, Kimiko Ryokai, Richard Whitney, Oren Zuckerman, Stefan Marti, Ben Recht, Ichiro Kase, Mitsunori Hirano, Kazue Kobayashi, and Takuma Hosokawa


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