“Spheree: A 3D Perspective-Corrected Interactive Spherical Scalable Display” by Ferreira, Cabral, Belloc, Miller, Kurashima, et al. …

  • ©Fernando Teubl Ferreira, Marcio Calixto Cabral, Olavo Da Rosa Belloc, Gregor Miller, Celsosetsuo Kurashima, Roseli de Deus Lopes, Ian Stavness, Júnia Coutinho Anacleto, Marcelo Knorich-Zuffo, and Sidney Fels

  • ©Fernando Teubl Ferreira, Marcio Calixto Cabral, Olavo Da Rosa Belloc, Gregor Miller, Celsosetsuo Kurashima, Roseli de Deus Lopes, Ian Stavness, Júnia Coutinho Anacleto, Marcelo Knorich-Zuffo, and Sidney Fels



Entry Number: 23


    Spheree: A 3D Perspective-Corrected Interactive Spherical Scalable Display



    We constructed a personal, spherical, multi-projector perspective corrected rear-projected display called Spheree. Spheree uses multiple calibrated pico-projectors inside a spherical display with content rendered from a user-centric viewpoint. Spheree uses optical tracking for head-coupled rendering, providing parallax-based 3D depth cues. Spheree is compact, supporting direct interaction techniques. For example, 3D models can be modified via 3D interactions on the sphere, providing a 3D sculpture experience.

    We developed a novel multiple pico-projector system that automatically calibrates and blends using a camera+projector approach creating a uniform pixel space on the surface of the sphere. Our auto-calibration algorithm uses a spherical modification of [Teubl et al. 2012]. Being scalable allows as many projectors as needed for virtually any size of sphere. Our spherical display design has no seams that cause singularities in blending and provides uniform pixel density across the whole sphere. No mirrors are used so there are no blind spots. We only use the regular lenses that come with the mini-projectors, so rendering is simplified. Spheree supports bi-manual gesture, hands-free and moving-the-display interactions.


    BOLTON, J., KIM, K., AND VERTEGAAL, R. 2011. SnowGlobe: A spherical fish-tank VR display. In ACM SIGCHI Interactivity, 1159–1164.

    STAVNESS, I., LAM, B., AND FELS, S. 2010. pCubee: A perspective-corrected handheld cubic display. In Proc of the SIGCHI10, 1381–1390.

    TEUBL, F., KURASHIMA, C., CABRAL, M., AND ZUFFO, M. 2012. Fastfusion: A scalable multi-projector system. In Proc of the 14th Symp on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 26–35.

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©Fernando Teubl Ferreira, Marcio Calixto Cabral, Olavo Da Rosa Belloc, Gregor Miller, Celsosetsuo Kurashima, Roseli de Deus Lopes, Ian Stavness, Júnia Coutinho Anacleto, Marcelo Knorich-Zuffo, and Sidney Fels ©Fernando Teubl Ferreira, Marcio Calixto Cabral, Olavo Da Rosa Belloc, Gregor Miller, Celsosetsuo Kurashima, Roseli de Deus Lopes, Ian Stavness, Júnia Coutinho Anacleto, Marcelo Knorich-Zuffo, and Sidney Fels


    This work was supported by the NCE GRAND, NSERC, FAPESP, CNPQ, USP, Boeing Inc., and MITACS. Thanks to Yichen Tang and Billy Lam.


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