“SinkInSync: A Brainwave Synchronization Experience in VR Towards Enhancing Social Connectedness: A Brainwave Synchronization Experience in VR Towards Enhancing Social Connectedness” by Wang and Feng

  • ©Tiange Wang and Xin Feng



Entry Number: 13


    SinkInSync: A Brainwave Synchronization Experience in VR Towards Enhancing Social Connectedness: A Brainwave Synchronization Experience in VR Towards Enhancing Social Connectedness



    SinkInSync presents the design and prototype of a VR-based cross-person EEG neurofeedback platform. This generative VR platform uses one user’s brainwave data to procedurally render 3D scenes and passively displays visual cues that are synchronized with the real-time brainwave frequency to another user. With the platform, we aim to explore the potential of VR as an avenue for augmenting cognitive and emotional social connectedness in remote interactions via externally-induced brainwave synchronization between pairs of individuals.


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