“Shading Rig: Dynamic Art-Directable Stylised Shading for 3D Characters” by Petikam, Anjyo and Rhee
E-Tech Type(s):
- Animation
- Gaming and Entertainment
Entry Number: 105
- Shading Rig: Dynamic Art-Directable Stylised Shading for 3D Characters
Project Affiliation:
- Victoria University of Wellington
Shading Rig is a new framework letting artists animate how cartoon light and shade fall on their character. This shadow animation is “played back” in real time, dynamically correcting toon shading when lighting changes. Now games can support dynamic lighting and characters, while preserving the appeal of its original artwork.
Lohit Petikam, Ken Anjyo, and Taehyun Rhee. 2021. Shading Rig: Dynamic Art-Directable Stylised Shading for 3D Characters. In Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference Real-Time Live! (SIGGRAPH ’21 Real-Time Live!), August 09-13, 2021. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1 page. https://doi.org/10.1145/3450622.3466786