“Non-Line-of-Sight MoCap” by Klein, Peters, Laurenzis and Hullin

  • ©Jonathan Klein, Christoph Peters, Martin Laurenzis, and Matthias B. Hullin

  • ©Jonathan Klein, Christoph Peters, Martin Laurenzis, and Matthias B. Hullin



Entry Number: 18


    Non-Line-of-Sight MoCap



    The sensing of objects hidden behind an occluder is a fascinating emerging area of research and expected to have an impact in numerous application fields such as automobile safety, remote observation or endoscopy. In the past, this problem has consistently been solved with the use of expensive time-of-flight technology and often required a long reconstruction time. Our system is the first one that only relies on o.-the-shelf intensity cameras and lasers. To achieve this, we developed a novel analysis-by-synthesis scheme which utilizes the output of a specialized renderer as input to an optimizer to perform the reconstruction. In the exhibition, visitors can freely move the object around in the hidden scene, while our camera setup on the other side of the wall reconstructs the object position and orientation in real time. We hope that this first hand experience will spread excitement about possible future applications of this new technology.


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    Jonathan Klein, Christoph Peters, Jaime Martn, Martin Laurenzis, and Matthias B. Hullin. 2016. Tracking objects outside the line of sight using 2D intensity images. Scientific Reports 6 (08 2016). http://www.nature.com/articles/srep32491

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